•1 {The Arrangements}


"Dhriti, you'll be out of this mess in the upcoming days".

"Only to get into another mess, right Di?" Dhriti questioned blankly staring at her

"I know the life ahead won't be easy, he is obsessed with you he might be bad for the world but maybe he'll be good to you?"

"Who knows how he will be, I don't get good vibes from him, I don't want more suffering" she said

"Iti, this place isn't good either, you know how difficult we escape from these people". That girl voiced

"No matter where I go, I'll carry my bad luck along with me, I'm tired of everything, I want to die ".

"Keep quiet dare you to say something like this think properly
you might get a chance to escape from him, you can be free from everything and live your life according to you don't lose your hope, you're strong" she encouraged her pulling her for a hug.

"But what about you? How will you escape?" She questioned, the girl chuckled sadly at her question

"Sleep now, it's late".

"What about my sleeping pills?" She stated gazing at her.

"Try to sleep without it at least for once it's not good for you, hmm okay " she nodded acknowledging her words and lay down.

She left her room while she drifted to sleep.


"Papa" The little Dhriti entered her father's study.

"What?" The man yelled as he continued working on his laptop.

"Can you teach me how to tie shoelaces"

At the same moment, her mother entered the room.

"You know I fell today and I didn't know how to tie shoelaces" she added as she held his hand.

"Will you shut this daughter of yours it's giving me a fucking headache" her father roared at her mother as he yanked away his hand from Dhriti's grip.

"Why do you always shout at me, I can't with this burden anymore if you want throw her out".

Hearing the word burden her heart panged as a ten-year-old girl left there with tears glistening in her little eyes.

Her lips wobbled as the she sat on the balcony looking at the starry sky. The stars shone brightly as she remembered her grandmother.

"Mumma, said I'm a burden... Is it true grandma am I a burden". She hiccuped in between as her eyes never left the shiny star.

Her tears blurred her sight but no one was there to console the innocent girl who requested her father to teach her how to tie a shoelace.

She fell in the school as she didn't know how to tie them, she saw how other fathers tied the shoelaces of their children


Dhriti woke up with a jerk as a lone tear escaped her eye. She stared blankly at the door of her room, and her hand shivered, she got up and searched the cupboard for a sleeping pill.

After finding it she gulped it down hastily, she lay down and waited till the sleep consumed her.


"The Fuck, he agreed to it" Vardaan yelled as he entered the room, Vedant smirked as he continued sparing the punching bag.

"I knew it he can't deny the opportunity to kill him and take over his share to rule over the US" Vedant uttered as sweat dripped down his face, as a drop slid down his well-built body and glidden towards his well-toned abs.

"He is getting married in a few days, we have to do something, it's our chance to bring him down on his knees".

"He has to beg, and this time we'll snatch everything from him a little by little that he has to come here running to us"

"We will do everything according to our plan tell him to arrange a meeting with him"

"He will do whatever we want, he wants to marry her, then we'll snatch her from him". Vedant said as he stared at the photo of the girl in his phone.

"Get ready we are leaving for the US, he started it we will end it" They both smirked at their plan.

Vardaan lit his cigarette and passed the other to Vedant who took a puff and said

"He dared to mess with us and now we'll kidnap his bride".

"What are you gonna do with her?" Vardaan questioned

"Marry her" he passed him a cocky grin and left the room.

"It's gonna be fun" Vardaan muttered.


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